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Dr. Charlie with pregnant patient

About Well of Life Chiropractic

Our Mission

At Well of Life Chiropractic, our mission is to offer a deep well of information and healing where families can receive the hope, help and resources they need to flourish and live their best lives. We don’t just want to alleviate your pain; we want to make a real difference in your life—and especially in the life of your kids.

With advanced education and training in prenatal and pediatric chiropractic care, Dr. Charlie Snider is passionate about helping children establish a healthy foundation for life.

Your Healthcare Guide

Although our focus is on creating optimal health and long-term wellness, we understand that most people begin care when they have a health problem of some kind. We meet you where you are in terms of your health goals, while educating you about your body’s true potential. We work with you to design a customized care plan to help you meet your individual goals.

Most people don’t realize that their body is designed to be healthy and function at its highest level. We help practice members understand how their spine and nervous system work together, and how an optimally functioning nervous system can allow your body to heal itself from within.

Kids who grow up with chiropractic care tend not to get the common childhood ailments that affect their peers. And because kids’ nervous systems aren’t dealing with decades of stress and interference, they respond quickly to care.

Our History

Dr. Charlie received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Parker University in 2020. He worked as an associate in Lubbock for 18 months, then opened our Seminole location in 2022. We opened our current location in January 2023. We chose both locations because they are growing areas with many young families and limited options for holistic healthcare choices. We want to be known as the place to go if you have kids!

Although Dr. Charlie specializes in care for kids and expecting mamas, he is also a Certified Animal Chiropractor, offering care for horses, cattle and dogs.

Book Today

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

About Well of Life Chiropractic | (806) 601-7342